How to Get your Baby to Sleep Without Being Held - 2023

Hira Saleem

· 5 min read
how to get your baby to sleep without being held

Finding strategies to get your baby to sleep without regular physical touch might be challenging when they only fall asleep when carried. Make a supportive environment that encourages restful sleep for you and your infant by implementing these strategies.

This post will detail how to put a baby to sleep without being held. We will discuss practical strategies such as establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a comfortable nursery environment, and teaching your baby to self-soothe.

How to get a baby to sleep without being held

You must establish a reliable and soothing bedtime routine for a baby to sleep unchecked. Creating a relaxing environment in the nursery with dim lighting and white noise can help set the stage for sleep.

Putting the baby down "drowsy but awake" is essential to encourage self-soothing. Teaching your baby to self-soothe can involve techniques like gentle rocking or using a pacifier. Lastly, patience and understanding during crying are necessary as your baby learns to sleep independently.

Five-month-olds only sleep when held.

When a 5-month-old infant only naps when carried, it might be difficult since it can exhaust parents. The key to resolving this problem is creating a reliable sleep schedule incorporating unwinding activities and a peaceful sleeping environment.

Gradually transitioning the baby from being held to a safe sleep surface, such as a crib, can help them become accustomed to sleeping independently. Introducing sleep associations, like a favourite blanket or soft toy, can provide comfort.

Establish a Consistent and Relaxing Bedtime Routine

You must establish a reliable and soothing bedtime routine for a baby to fall asleep unattended. White noise and low lighting in the nursery can assist in creating a relaxing atmosphere and promoting sleep.

When they exhibit predictable behaviour, your baby will know it's time to relax and prepare for bed. Include a warm bath, a relaxing massage, or calming music. To encourage relaxation, dim the lights and create a serene atmosphere. Dim the lights and create a calm environment to promote peace. Consistency is vital, as it helps your baby associate the routine with sleep.

​Make the Nursery Comfortable and Calming

Creating a comfortable and calming nursery environment is vital in helping your baby sleep without being held. Start by ensuring the room is at an optimal temperature and free from excessive noise or bright lights.

Use soft, cosy bedding and a comfortable mattress to enhance comfort. Consider introducing soothing elements like a white noise machine or a soft nightlight. You may create a setting that encourages your baby to unwind and fall asleep on their own by making the nursery a calm and welcoming area.

​Put Baby Down Drowsy but Awake

An effective method to promote independent sleep is to put your infant to bed "drowsy but awake." With this method, your baby can learn to self-soothe and fall asleep without being entirely or wide awake.

Please put them in their cot or sleep surface when sleepy but still awake. They will learn self-settling techniques and form positive sleep associations, eventually resulting in more independent sleep throughout the night.

​Teach Your Baby to Self-Soothe

Teaching your baby to self-soothe is essential in helping them sleep without being held. Encourage self-soothing by gradually reducing direct physical contact during sleep routines. Introduce soothing objects like a pacifier or a lovey that your baby can use for comfort.

When your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, give them time to calm themselves before hurrying to take them up. By gradually promoting self-soothing techniques, you can empower your baby to develop the skills to soothe themselves back to sleep and encourage more protracted periods of independent rest.

​Be Patient Through the Crying

Patience is essential through the crying phase when attempting to help your baby sleep without being held. It's normal for babies to protest and cry when adjusting to new sleep routines and self-soothing techniques. Remember, calling is their way of expressing their discomfort or frustration.

However, it's crucial to differentiate between different types of cries and respond accordingly. Offer reassurance through gentle verbal cues or a comforting touch, but avoid immediately picking them up.


In conclusion, helping your baby sleep without being held is a common challenge for many parents. You can gradually foster independent sleep by implementing tactics, including creating a cosy nursery atmosphere, establishing a regular bedtime routine, and instructing self-soothing techniques.

Remember to be patient and understanding during the process, as it may involve some crying and adjustment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it normal for my baby to cry when I try to get them to sleep without being held?

Yes, it is normal for babies to protest and call during the transition to independent sleep. Crying is their way of expressing discomfort or frustration. By being patient and consistent, you can help them develop self-soothing skills over time.

How long does it take for a baby to learn to sleep without being held?

A baby's time to learn to sleep without being held can vary. It may take a few weeks or even months for them to adjust to the new routine. Consistency and patience are vital in supporting their transition to independent sleep.

What if my baby still struggles to sleep without being held despite my efforts?

If your baby works with independent rest despite your efforts, consider consulting with a pediatrician or a sleep specialist. They can provide personalized guidance and advice based on your baby's needs and help address any underlying sleep issues.

About Hira Saleem

Hira Saleem is an experienced writer and researcher who has been working in the field of parenting and baby care for many years. She has a passion for helping parents and caregivers make informed decisions about their children's sleep and comfort. Hira brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Bumpybeds and her articles are a valuable resource for parents.