How to Change Baby Sleep Schedule - An Ultimate Guide

Sara Khan

· 5 min read
changing baby sleep schedule

Is your newborn's sleep schedule wholly disrupted? Are they wide awake when they should be sleeping and vice versa? If day-night confusion has taken over, don't fret.

We provide helpful tips to help you reset your baby's sleep schedule, encouraging greater sleep and reestablishing the harmony between their Day and night cycles.

How to fix Day and night confusion in babies

Day and night confusion in babies can leave parents exhausted and frustrated. Several methods may be used to address this frequent problem and create a more reliable sleep routine.

Firstly, create a consistent bedtime routine. Engage in calming activities such as a warm bath, gentle massage, or lullabies before putting your baby to bed. This periodic signals their body that it's time to wind down and prepares them for sleep.

During the Day, ensure your baby gets plenty of natural light exposure. Open the curtains and take them outside for some fresh air and sunlight. This helps reinforce the distinction between Day and night, promoting wakefulness during the Day and sleepiness at night.

Encourage midday naps in a well-lit setting that is stimulating. Maintain good lighting in the space and spend time playing and doing engaging things with your infant. This contributes to the development of the wakefulness–day–day connection.

Limit excessive stimulation during nighttime feedings or diaper changes. Keep the lights dimmed, avoid playing or talking too much, and maintain a calm and quiet atmosphere. This reinforces the idea that nighttime is for sleeping.

Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Day and night confusion in newborns must be addressed by establishing a reliable sleep routine. Create a soothing ritual that signals it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Start by turning down the lights and participating in relaxing pursuits like a warm bath, a light massage, or bedtime readings. Keep the daily routine to help your baby associate these activities with sleep.

This predictable routine helps their body recognize that nighttime is for rest, promoting a smoother transition from wakefulness to sleep. Stick to the routine diligently; over time, your baby will better understand when it's time to sleep.

​Gradually Adjust Bedtime

Gradually adjusting bedtime can be a practical approach to combat Day and night confusion in babies. Start by identifying your desired bedtime and then shift progressively earlier over several days or weeks.

Begin with small increments, such as moving bedtime 15 minutes earlier each night. This gradual transition helps your baby's internal clock adjust gradually, reducing resistance and promoting smoother growth to sleep.

Ensure your infant gets adequate sleep throughout the day and stick to the new bedtime to avoid overtiredness. A more suitable sleep routine for your child may be established with time, patience, and tenacity.

​Wake Your Baby at the Same Time Every Day

Waking your baby at the same time every day can aid in fixing Day and night confusion. Establishing a consistent wake-up time helps regulate their internal body clock and sets the tone for the Day ahead.

Even after a rough night, please don't give in to the want to let them sleep in. At the appointed hour, gently rouse your child to ensure exposure to daylight. This supports the notion that being awake and active throughout the day is best.

​Expose Your Baby to Natural Light During the Day

Exposing your baby to natural light during the Day is a valuable strategy to combat day and night confusion. Open the curtains and take your baby outside for fresh air and sunlight. Natural light helps regulate their internal clock, reinforcing the distinction between daytime and nighttime.

During daytime naps, ensure the room is well-lit to simulate daylight. This exposure to natural light promotes wakefulness and alertness during the Day while signalling to the body that nighttime is for rest. Incorporating natural light into their daily routine aids in establishing a healthier sleep-wake cycle.


In conclusion, addressing Day and night confusion in babies requires a combination of strategies and patience.

By establishing a consistent bedtime routine, gradually adjusting bedtime, waking your baby at the same time every Day, and exposing them to natural light during the Day, you can help reset their sleep schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my baby experiencing Day and night confusion?

Day and night confusion is common in newborns because their internal sleep-wake cycle is not yet fully developed. They may have difficulty differentiating between Day and night, leading to mixed-up sleep patterns.

How long does it take to fix day and night confusion in babies?

The time it takes to fix day and night confusion can vary for each baby. Their sleep patterns may take a few weeks or even a couple of months to adjust. Consistency and patience with implementing sleep strategies are critical during this process.

What if my baby's sleep schedule doesn't improve despite trying these strategies?

If your baby's sleep schedule doesn't improve after implementing the suggested strategies, consulting with a paediatrician or a sleep specialist may be helpful. They can provide additional guidance and support, ensuring no underlying issues affect your baby's sleep patterns.

About Sara Khan

Sara Khan, an experienced writer who specializes in baby and toddler bedding. With her in-depth knowledge and research, Sara brings valuable insights and practical advice to help parents and caregivers make informed decisions about their child's sleep and comfort.