How to Convert Simmons Slumbertime Crib to Toddler Bed - Quick Guide

Sara Khan

· 7 min read
Simmons Crib to Full Size Bed

Converting a Simmons crib to a full-size bed can be a straightforward process. First, check if your crib model is designed for conversion. Purchase a conversion kit that is compatible with your crib. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, which typically involve removing the crib's front rail and replacing it with the conversion kit components.

This article will discuss the step-by-step process of converting a Simmons crib to a full-size bed. We will start by gathering the necessary tools and parts for the conversion. Then, we will guide you through removing the Simmons crib mattress support and detaching the crib rails.

Gather the Necessary Tools and Parts

Gathering all the necessary tools and parts before converting your Simmons crib to a full-size bed is important. This guarantees a quick and easy conversion process. The following are the necessities you will require:

Conversion Kit

Check the specifications of your Simmons crib model and purchase a conversion kit that is compatible with it. The conversion kit typically includes the necessary hardware and components to convert the crib into a full-size bed.

Screwdriver and Allen Wrench

These tools will be essential for removing screws and bolts from the crib and attaching the conversion kit components.


Pliers can be handy for securely fastening certain parts during the conversion process.

Measuring Tape

Use a measuring tape to ensure precise placement and alignment of the conversion kit components.

Instructions Manual

Refer to the instructions manual provided with the conversion kit. It will offer thorough, step-by-step instructions on how to convert your particular Simmons crib model.

​Remove the Simmons Crib Mattress Support

To convert your Simmons crib to a full-size bed, the first step is to remove the crib mattress support.

Clear the Crib

Remove all bedding, pillows, and toys from the crib. Ensure the area is clear and safe to work in.

Locate the Mattress Support

Look underneath the crib mattress to find the mattress support. It is usually a wooden or metal frame holding the Mattress.

Unscrew and Remove the Mattress Support

Use a screwdriver or an appropriate tool to unscrew the screws or bolts securing the mattress support. Make sure all screws are completely removed by taking your time. Carefully lift the mattress support from the crib frame and set it aside.

Clean and Inspect

With the mattress support removed, take the opportunity to clean any accumulated dust or debris in the crib. Also, inspect the crib frame and mattress support for any signs of damage or wear that may need attention or replacement.

​Detach the Simmons Crib Rails

To continue the conversion process of your Simmons crib to a full-size bed, the next step is to detach the crib rails. Here's a guide to help you through this process:

Clear the Crib

Remove bedding, toys, or other items from the crib to create a clear workspace.

Identify the Rail Attachment Points

Look closely at the crib to locate the attachment points of the crib rails. These are usually found on either side of the crib.

Remove the Rail Fasteners

Depending on your crib model, you may find screws, bolts, or other fasteners securing the crib rails. Carefully remove these fasteners using the proper equipment, such as a screwdriver or Allen wrench. Please keep track of the hardware to avoid misplacing it.

Gently Detach the Crib Rails

Remove the crib rails from the crib frame once the fasteners are removed. Lift each rail upwards and away from the crib, handling them carefully.

Set Aside the Crib Rails

Place the detached crib rails safely, freeing them from any potential damage.

​Assemble the Full-Size Bed Frame

Once you have removed the crib rails, the next step in converting your Simmons crib to a full-size bed is to assemble the full-size bed frame. Follow these steps to ensure a successful assembly:

Read the Instructions

Before you begin, read the instructions with the conversion kit and the full-size bed frame. Please familiarize yourself with the parts and corresponding labels to avoid confusion during assembly.

Lay Out the Parts

Lay out all the components of the full-size bed frame in an organized manner. Ensure that you have all the necessary parts and hardware required for assembly.

Follow the Sequence

Assemble the bed frame according to the recommended sequence outlined in the instructions. This may entail utilizing the supplied screws, bolts, or connectors to join the side panels, headboard, footboard, and support beams. To firmly tighten the fasteners, use the proper tools.

Double-Check Connections

After assembling each component, double-check all connections to ensure they are secure and properly aligned. This will ensure the stability and safety of the full-size bed.

Adjust for Mattress Fit

Make any necessary adjustments to the bed frame to accommodate the dimensions of the full-size Mattress. This may involve adjusting the support beams or using additional slats for optimal mattress support.

Add the New Mattress and Bedding

After assembling the full-size bed frame, the final step in converting your Simmons crib is to add the new Mattress and bedding. Here's a guide to help you complete this process:

Choose a Suitable Mattress

Select a full-size mattress that meets safety standards and provides the desired comfort level for your needs. Measure the dimensions of the bed frame to ensure a proper fit.

Place the Mattress on the Bed Frame

Lift the Mattress and carefully place it onto the assembled bed frame. Ensure that it is centered and aligned properly.

Secure the Mattress

Some full-size bed frames may come with straps or fasteners to secure the Mattress in place. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to properly ensure the Mattress to the bed frame, if required.

Add Bedding and Accessories

Dress the bed with appropriate bedding and accessories, such as fitted sheets, blankets, and pillows. Ensure the bedding is right for your child's age and follows safety guidelines.

Ensure a Safe Sleeping Environment

Ensure the Mattress and bedding fit securely without any gaps or loose ends. Remove any excessive bedding or delicate items that may pose a suffocation risk.


In conclusion, converting a Simmons crib to a full-size bed is a practical and exciting process. Following the instructions, you can convert your child's cot into a roomy, comfy bed. Prioritize safety, read and follow the manufacturer's recommendations, and use a flexible and durable mattress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I convert any Simmons crib to a full-size bed?

It depends on the specific model of the Simmons crib. Not all cribs are designed to be convertible to a full-size bed. Check the manufacturer's instructions or contact Simmons customer support to determine if your crib is convertible and if a compatible conversion kit is available.

Do I need special tools to convert the Simmons crib to a full-size bed?

Yes, depending on the crib model and the conversion kit, you may need basic tools such as a screwdriver, Allen wrench, or other tools. Refer to the conversion kit instructions to determine the specific tools required for the conversion process.

Can I convert the Simmons crib to a full-size bed without a conversion kit?

Converting a Simmons crib to a full-size bed without a conversion kit is not recommended. The conversion kit provides the necessary components and hardware to ensure a safe and secure conversion. Using the manufacturer-recommended conversion kit for proper functionality and safety compliance is best.

About Sara Khan

Sara Khan, an experienced writer who specializes in baby and toddler bedding. With her in-depth knowledge and research, Sara brings valuable insights and practical advice to help parents and caregivers make informed decisions about their child's sleep and comfort.