How to Convert Delta Crib to Toddler beds in Easy Steps

Sara Khan

· 8 min read
Convert Delta Crib to Toddler beds

Embarking on converting your Delta Crib to a toddler bed opens possibilities for your growing child. This transformative process blends functionality with safety, offering a seamless transition from the confines of a crib to the newfound independence of a toddler bed.

In this guide, we'll unravel the steps involved in this conversion, empowering you to create a comfortable and secure sleep environment for your little one's next developmental stage. Explore the intricacies of the conversion process, unlocking a world where innovation meets practicality and ensuring your Delta Crib evolves with your child.

Does Delta crib convert to a toddler bed?

Absolutely! Delta cribs often come equipped with the versatility to convert into toddler beds. This seamless transformation is a fantastic feature, offering a practical solution as your little one grows. You don't have to invest in a separate toddler bed, saving money and hassle.

The straightforward conversion process ensures a smooth transition from the familiar crib setting to a comfortable and secure toddler bed. This accommodates your child's changing needs and provides a sense of continuity and familiarity in their sleep space.

Check your specific Delta crib model's instructions for the easy steps to unlock this convenient and cost-effective conversion.

Gather the Necessary Tools and Materials

Embarking on the exciting journey of converting your Delta Crib to a toddler bed starts with careful preparation. To ensure a smooth transition, gather the essential tools and materials needed for this transformation.


Screwdriver: A versatile tool for loosening and tightening screws.

Wrench: Useful for turning nuts and bolts securely.

Allen Wrench/Hex Key: Often included in furniture assembly kits, it's crucial for certain types of screws.

Measuring Tape: Ensures precision in aligning and spacing components.

Pliers: Handy for gripping and manipulating small parts.

Hammer: Useful for tasks like tapping dowels or gently adjusting components.


Conversion Kit: Check if your Delta crib model requires a specific conversion kit, usually containing necessary parts like bed rails and support systems.

Wood Glue: Ensures a sturdy bond when connecting wooden components.

Safety Screws and Bolts: If not provided in the conversion kit, make sure you have the right screws and bolts for securing the bed frame.

Mattress: Transitioning to a toddler bed may require a different mattress size. Verify the specifications recommended by Delta or your Crib's manual.

Safety Rails: Some conversion kits include safety rails to prevent accidental falls, providing added security for your toddler.

Disassemble the Delta Crib Safely

Prepare the Workspace:

Clear the area around the Crib, ensuring a clutter-free workspace. Remove any bedding, toys, or other items from the Crib to facilitate disassembly.

Ensure Child's Safety:

Place your child in a safe, supervised location away from the disassembly area. This prevents any accidents or injuries during the process.

Refer to the Manual:

Consult the manufacturer's manual that came with your Delta Crib. It contains specific instructions for disassembly, including the tools needed and step-by-step guidance.

Gather Tools:

Collect the tools mentioned in the manual, such as a screwdriver, wrench, and Allen wrench/Hex key. Having the right tools ensures a smooth disassembly process.

Follow Sequential Steps:

Carefully follow the disassembly steps outlined in the manual. Begin with the removal of the mattress and bedding, then proceed to loosen and remove screws, bolts, and other connecting components in the specified order.

Label and Organize Parts:

As you disassemble, use labelled bags or containers to organize and store small parts like screws and bolts. This ensures you can easily locate them for conversion or reassembly.

Handle Moving Parts with Care:

Exercise caution when dealing with any moving or detachable parts. Follow the manual's guidance on safely handling these components to avoid damage or injury.

Enlist Help if Necessary:

If the Crib is large or heavy, consider enlisting the help of a partner to ensure safe handling during disassembly.

Install Toddler Bed Rail

Installing a toddler bed rail is pivotal in transforming your Delta Crib into a secure sleeping space for your growing child. Begin by selecting a bed rail compatible with your crib model. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring the rail is securely attached to the bed frame.

Check for proper alignment and stability, tightening screws or bolts as needed. The bed rail acts as a safety barrier, preventing accidental falls during the night. Prioritize the correct positioning of the rail, leaving no gaps between it and the mattress.

With attention to detail and adherence to safety guidelines, installing the toddler bed rail guarantees a snug and protective environment, fostering a smooth transition from Crib to toddler bed.

Adjust Mattress Height and Final Checks

Following the crib manual, adjust the mattress height to match the toddler bed configuration. Perform final checks, ensuring all components are secure and the bed is safe for your child.

Adjust Mattress Height:

Carefully adjust the mattress height to align with the toddler bed configuration. Refer to the Crib's manual for instructions on altering the mattress position. Ensure a secure fit, allowing your child to easilytheir new toddler bed with ease c.

Final Checks:

Conduct thorough final checks to guarantee the safety and functionality of the converted toddler bed. Confirm that all screws, bolts, and components are tightly secured. Examine the toddler bed rail for stability, eliminating any potential hazards.

Double-check the overall alignment and ensure no sharp edges or protruding parts. Verify that the mattress fits snugly, leaving no gaps between the mattress and the bed frame.

By meticulously completing these final checks, you create a secure and inviting sleeping space for your child, marking the successful culmination of the Delta Crib to toddler bed conversion process.

The Last Words

At last, transforming your Delta Crib into a toddler bed is a journey marked by careful steps and attention to detail. Each phase creates a secure and comfortable sleeping space for your growing child, from disassembling the Crib to installing the toddler bed rail and adjusting the mattress height.

By prioritizing safety and following manufacturer guidelines, you've repurposed the Crib and provided a familiar yet innovative environment for your toddler.

Embrace this milestone, knowing you've successfully navigated the conversion process, fostering a sense of independence and security in your child's sleep routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I convert my Crib to a toddler bed?

Yes, many cribs, including Delta models, are designed for conversion. Check your Crib's manual for compatibility and acquire the conversion kit for a smooth transition.

How do you make a toddler bed out of a crib?

Follow the Crib's manual instructions to convert a crib to a toddler bed. Typically, it involves removing one side, attaching a toddler bed rail, and adjusting the mattress height.

What is the weight limit for the Delta Children crib?

Weight limits vary by model. Refer to your Delta Children crib manual for specific information on weight restrictions to ensure safe use.

What size bed does Delta crib convert to?

Most Delta cribs convert to toddler beds. Depending on the specific design, some models may offer additional conversions to daybeds or full-size beds.

What is the size difference between a crib and a toddler bed?

Toddler beds are slightly smaller than cribs. While crib mattresses are standardized at 28 x 52 inches, toddler beds typically accommodate the same size but have different dimensions due to the bed frame.

About Sara Khan

Sara Khan, an experienced writer who specializes in baby and toddler bedding. With her in-depth knowledge and research, Sara brings valuable insights and practical advice to help parents and caregivers make informed decisions about their child's sleep and comfort.