Ultimate Guide on How to Build a Doll Crib in 6 Easy Steps - Bumpy Beds

Hira Saleem

· 10 min read
ultimate guide to build a doll crib

Making a special place for your child's dolls to rest by building a doll crib may be a gratifying and enjoyable hobby. Whether you're looking to construct a wooden crib, add storage features, or utilize alternative materials like cardboard, this guide will provide you with the essential steps to build a doll crib.

This tutorial will walk you through making a doll cot. We'll acquire the required materials, calculate and cut the wood parts, put the cot with storage together and provide the final touches. Using these procedures, you may make a lovely and useful doll cot.

Gathering the Necessary Supplies to Build a Doll Crib

Gathering all the necessary supplies is essential before you begin building a doll crib. Ensuring you have everything you need at the start can streamline the construction process and avoid unnecessary delays.

First, determine the type of doll crib you want to build and list the required materials. A wooden crib requires wood boards or panels, screws or nails, a saw, a drill, sandpaper, and a measuring tape. If you opt for a crib with storage, include additional materials such as hinges, handles, and storage compartments.

​Measuring and Cutting the Wood Pieces

Building a doll crib requires precise measuring and cutting of the wood pieces. To ensure that the crib's parts fit together properly, precision and accuracy are needed. Before you begin, gather your measuring tape, pencil, and the wood boards or panels you'll work with.

Beginning with each crib's side, base, headboard, and footboard, carefully measure and note their proportions. Use the measuring tape to determine the required lengths and widths accurately. Double-check your measurements to avoid any errors.

Once you have marked the measurements on the wood, it's time to cut the pieces. If you can access a saw, make straight and clean cuts according to your markings. Ensure you follow proper safety precautions and use appropriate techniques when operating the saw.

How do you build a doll crib with storage?

Building a doll crib with storage adds functionality and convenience to your doll playtime.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial to assist you in building a doll cot with integrated storage spaces.

  • Design and Planning

Begin by designing the crib layout, considering the size and placement of the storage compartments. Sketch out your design and determine the dimensions of the crib and storage areas.

  • Materials and Tools

Assemble the required supplies, such as wood planks, screws or nails, hinges, handles, and storage containers. You'll also need measuring tape, a saw, a drill, and sandpaper.

  • Building the Base

Build the crib's foundation first, ensuring it is strong and level. The wood planks should be cut to the required size and fastened with screws or nails.

  • Incorporating the Storage Compartments

Measure and cut additional pieces of wood to create the storage compartments. Attach the sides, back, and bottom panels, leaving the front open for easy access.

  • Installing Hinges and Handles

Attach hinges to the storage compartment doors, allowing them to open and close smoothly. Add handles or knobs to facilitate opening and closing.

  • Finishing Touches

Sand the surfaces to smooth any rough edges or imperfections. Apply paint or stain to match your desired aesthetic, and allow it to dry completely before assembling the crib.

  • Assembly

Assemble the crib by attaching the sides, headboard, and footboard to the Base. Ensure all connections are secure and the crib is stable.

​Assembling the Base and Sides of the Doll Crib

A strong and safe framework for your dolls must be built by assembling the doll crib's Base and sides.

Here is a step-by-step manual to assist you with the procedure.

Gather the Components

Ensure you have the pre-cut wood pieces, screws or nails, a screwdriver or hammer, and any additional hardware you may need for the Base and sides.

Aligning the Base

Start by aligning the crib base with the sides. Position the sides perpendicular to the Base, ensuring they are flush and evenly aligned. Use clamps to hold the pieces in place temporarily, if needed.

Attaching the Base to the Sides

Attach the Base to the sides after lining up the parts. Secure the sides together by driving screws or nails through the Base and into the sides. For increased stability, equally space the screws or nails along the length of the sidewalls.

Reinforcing the Joints

To strengthen the connections, consider adding additional support. You can install corner brackets or L-brackets on the inside corners of the crib. These brackets provide the crib with more stability and keep it from rocking.

Checking for Stability

Once the Base and sides are assembled, carefully lift the crib and check for any wobbling or instability. Make adjustments if necessary, ensuring all connections are secure and tight.

Repeat for Additional Sides

If your crib design includes multiple sides, repeat the same process for attaching them to the Base. Ensure proper alignment and secure all connections.

Finishing Touches

Before proceeding to the next steps of building the crib, sand any rough edges or surfaces for a smooth finish. This step ensures the safety of play and prevents splinters.

​Adding the Bottom Panel, Headboard, and Footboard

The next critical stage in building your doll crib is attaching the bottom panel, headboard, and footboard. These elements offer stability, structure, and aesthetic appeal.

Follow these steps to ensure a successful assembly.

Positioning the Bottom Panel

Place the bottom panel onto the assembled Base and align it properly. The meeting is firmly in place and sits flush with the Base's edges. The bottom board should be securely fastened to the Base using screws or nails.

Attaching the Headboard and Footboard

Position the headboard and footboard at the desired height on the crib's sides. Ensure that they are aligned with the Base and the bottom panel. Use screws or nails to attach the headboard and footboard to the sides, securing them tightly.

Reinforcing the Joints

Consider using additional reinforcement to strengthen the connections between the headboard, footboard, and sides. Corner brackets or L-brackets can be installed on the inside corners of the crib, providing extra stability and durability.

Checking Alignment and Stability

Once the bottom panel, headboard, and footboard are attached, carefully inspect the crib for proper alignment and stability. Ensure that all connections are secure and there are no wobbling or loose parts.

Finishing Touches

Sand rough edges or surfaces to create a smooth finish. Consider applying paint or stain to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the crib, following safe and non-toxic options suitable for children's play.

​Sanding, Painting and Decorating Your Doll Crib

Once your doll crib is constructed, the final step is to sand, paint, and decorate it. This process adds the finishing touches and allows you to customize the crib to your desired aesthetic.

Follow these steps to achieve a polished and personalized look.

  • Sanding the Crib

Begin by lightly sanding the surfaces of the crib, including the wood components, to smooth out any rough edges or imperfections. Use sandpaper with fine grit to ensure a gentle and even sanding process.

  • Choosing the Paint

Choose a colour that complements your tastes and the doll crib's design. Choose non-toxic, child-safe paint made especially for use on wooden surfaces. To increase the paint's tensile strength and lifespan, think about using a primer beforehand.

  • Painting the Crib

Evenly distribute the paint over the crib's visible surfaces using a brush or roller. Allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying additional layers. Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding drying times and the recommended number of coats.

  • Decorating the Crib

Once the paint is dry, you can add decorative elements to personalize the crib further. Use stencils, decals, or stickers to create patterns, designs, or even your doll's name. Use non-toxic materials suitable for children's play.

  • Sealing the Paint (Optional)

Use a clear sealer or varnish to safeguard the paint and increase its durability. This step adds a layer of protection and makes the crib easier to clean and maintain.

  • Final Inspection

After the painting and decorating process, carefully inspect the crib to ensure the paint is evenly applied and all decorations are securely in place. Check for any touch-ups needed and make necessary adjustments.


In conclusion, creating a doll crib is a fun and original project that gives your dolls a personal place to call home. You may make a lovely and useful crib for hours of imaginative play by gathering the required materials, measuring and cutting the wood parts, putting the crib together, and adding the finishing touches.

Frequently Asked Questions

What supplies do I need to build a doll crib?

The necessary supplies typically include wood, screws, a saw, sandpaper, paint, brushes, and any additional decorative elements you desire.

Is it difficult to build a doll crib with storage?

Building a doll crib with storage may require some additional woodworking skills and knowledge, but it can be a manageable and rewarding project with proper guidance and instructions.

Can I customize the design and size of the doll crib?

Absolutely! Building your doll crib allows you to customize the design, size, and color to suit your preferences and match your doll's needs. You have the freedom to create a unique and personalized crib.

About Hira Saleem

Hira Saleem is an experienced writer and researcher who has been working in the field of parenting and baby care for many years. She has a passion for helping parents and caregivers make informed decisions about their children's sleep and comfort. Hira brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Bumpybeds and her articles are a valuable resource for parents.