Top French Names for Baby Boys and Their Meanings

Top French Names for Baby Boys and Their Meanings

French names for baby boys are renowned for their elegance, charm, and historical significance. Rooted in centuries of tradition, many of these names are inspired by French nobility, saints, and literary figures, making them both timeless and meaningful. French boy names often carry a blend of strength and sophistication, reflecting qualities like courage, honor, and wisdom. Common elements in these names include French sounds like “é,” “ou,” and “au,” which give them a melodic and distinct flair. From classic names like Louis and Jean, to modern favorites such as Émile and Mathis, each name has its own unique story and meaning. Whether inspired by nature, virtue, or history, these names offer a perfect balance of style and depth, making them an appealing choice for parents seeking a name with both cultural richness and timeless appeal for their little one.

Popular French Boy Names

  1. Adrien
  2. Alexandre
  3. Antoine
  4. Baptiste
  5. Benjamin
  6. Charles
  7. Claude
  8. Damien
  9. David
  10. Denis
  11. Édouard
  12. Émile
  13. Félix
  14. Gabriel
  15. Georges
  16. Grégoire
  17. Henri
  18. Hugo
  19. Julien
  20. Laurent
  21. Louis
  22. Lucas
  23. Marc
  24. Mathieu
  25. Maxime
  26. Nicolas
  27. Olivier
  28. Pascal
  29. Philippe
  30. Quentin
  31. Rémi
  32. Samuel
  33. Sébastien
  34. Simon
  35. Théo
  36. Thierry
  37. Tristan
  38. Victor
  39. Vincent
  40. Adrien
  41. Arnaud
  42. Blaise
  43. Cédric
  44. Dorian
  45. Éric
  46. Florent
  47. Gaël
  48. Jules
  49. Kylian
  50. Léon
  51. Louis
  52. Martial
  53. Maximilien
  54. Noël
  55. Romain
  56. Salomon
  57. Sacha
  58. Tanguy
  59. Ulysse
  60. Valentin
  61. William
  62. Yvan
  63. Zéphyr
  64. Achille
  65. Augustin
  66. Éloi
  67. Fabien
  68. Gérard
  69. Hugo
  70. Ismaël
  71. Joris
  72. Lazare
  73. Malo
  74. Norbert
  75. Oswald
  76. Philémon
  77. Rémi
  78. Sylvain
  79. Timothée
  80. Wendell

Unique French Boy Names

  1. Amadeo
  2. Aurélien
  3. Blaise
  4. Célestin
  5. Corentin
  6. Édouard
  7. Elouan
  8. Éloi
  9. Florin
  10. Gaspard
  11. Grégoire
  12. Josselin
  13. Landry
  14. Léandre
  15. Lysander
  16. Marceau
  17. Noé
  18. Orson
  19. Pascal
  20. Renaud
  21. Séraphin
  22. Soren
  23. Thibault
  24. Ulysse
  25. Valentin
  26. Vianney
  27. Yvann
  28. Aurel
  29. Blaxton
  30. Calixte
  31. Dorian
  32. Évariste
  33. Florent
  34. Gaétan
  35. Hadrien
  36. Isidore
  37. Jérôme
  38. Kyllian
  39. Lancelot
  40. Marlon
  41. Néo
  42. Octave
  43. Prosper
  44. Quentyn
  45. Rémy
  46. Silvain
  47. Tanguy
  48. Thoryn
  49. Valéry
  50. Wilfried
  51. Alaric
  52. Aurelio
  53. Basile
  54. Cael
  55. Éloi
  56. Flavian
  57. Gildas
  58. Hilaire
  59. Irvin
  60. Jézabel
  61. Lucien
  62. Maurin
  63. Nicodème
  64. Odon
  65. Piran
  66. Raoul
  67. Silas
  68. Tiberius
  69. Ulric
  70. Valen
  71. Waldo
  72. Xavien
  73. Yannick
  74. Zéphirin
  75. Adélard
  76. Apollinaire
  77. Célian
  78. Dorian
  79. Éloi
  80. Firmin

Cute French Boy Names

  1. Adrien
  2. Baptiste
  3. Basile
  4. Benoît
  5. Célian
  6. Clément
  7. Émile
  8. Éloi
  9. Felix
  10. Gaspard
  11. Hugo
  12. Jules
  13. Léon
  14. Louis
  15. Lucas
  16. Maël
  17. Marceau
  18. Maxime
  19. Milo
  20. Noé
  21. Oscar
  22. Pierre
  23. Rémi
  24. Robin
  25. Samy
  26. Sacha
  27. Théo
  28. Timéo
  29. Valentin
  30. Victor
  31. Yanis
  32. Achille
  33. Antonin
  34. Arnaud
  35. Axel
  36. Corentin
  37. Dorian
  38. Éloi
  39. Florin
  40. Léandre
  41. Malo
  42. Nathan
  43. Nino
  44. Raphaël
  45. Simon
  46. Ulysse
  47. Wilfried
  48. Yvan
  49. Zian
  50. Zéphyr

Beautiful French Boy Names

  1. Adrien
  2. Alexandre
  3. Antoine
  4. Augustin
  5. Baptiste
  6. Benjamin
  7. Cédric
  8. Charles
  9. Claude
  10. Damien
  11. Édouard
  12. Émile
  13. Gabriel
  14. Hugo
  15. Julien
  16. Laurent
  17. Léon
  18. Louis
  19. Lucas
  20. Matthieu
  21. Maxime
  22. Nicolas
  23. Olivier
  24. Philippe
  25. Quentin
  26. Rémi
  27. Romain
  28. Samuel
  29. Sébastien
  30. Simon
  31. Théo
  32. Tristan
  33. Valentin
  34. Victor
  35. William
  36. Adrien
  37. Bastien
  38. Corentin
  39. Évariste
  40. Florent
  41. Gaspard
  42. Julien
  43. Léandre
  44. Martial
  45. Noé
  46. Paul
  47. Renaud
  48. Sacha
  49. Sylvain
  50. Ulysse

Old-Fashioned French Boy Names

  1. Achille
  2. Alphonse
  3. Armand
  4. Barthélemy
  5. Benjamin
  6. Blaise
  7. Claude
  8. Désiré
  9. Édouard
  10. Émile
  11. Fernand
  12. Gaston
  13. Georges
  14. Gérard
  15. Hilaire
  16. Honoré
  17. Hubert
  18. Jacques
  19. Jean-Baptiste
  20. Joseph
  21. Jules
  22. Léon
  23. Léopold
  24. Louis
  25. Lucien
  26. Maurice
  27. Maximilien
  28. Michel
  29. Nicolas
  30. Octave
  31. Olivier
  32. Pascal
  33. Philippe
  34. Prosper
  35. Raoul
  36. Rémi
  37. Renaud
  38. Roland
  39. Sébastien
  40. Simon
  41. Sylvain
  42. Thaddeus
  43. Théodore
  44. Victor
  45. Vincent
  46. Wilfrid
  47. Adolphe
  48. Antonin
  49. Charles
  50. Cyprien
  51. Évariste
  52. Frédéric
  53. Gaspard
  54. Léandre
  55. Maurice
  56. Norbert
  57. Octave
  58. Rémy
  59. René
  60. Rodolphe
  61. Tanguy
  62. Thibault
  63. Urbain
  64. Valéry
  65. Alphonse
  66. Bernard
  67. Émile
  68. Firmin
  69. Léonard
  70. Augustin
  71. Alexis
  72. Gervais
  73. Léopold
  74. Lucien
  75. Marius
  76. Martial
  77. Paul
  78. Térence
  79. Théophile
  80. Urbain

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