190+ Biblical Names for Girls and Boys

Biblical Names

Choosing a name for your child is a profound decision, one that carries immense significance and can shape their identity. Biblical names, steeped in history and rich in meaning, offer a timeless and spiritually resonant option. These names not only honor religious heritage but also convey virtues, blessings, and the stories of notable figures from the Scriptures. Whether you’re seeking a name that reflects faith, strength, wisdom, or grace, the Bible provides a treasure trove of inspiring choices. Join us as we explore a selection of beautiful and meaningful biblical names for both girls and boys, each with its own unique story and significance, to help you find the perfect name for your precious little one.

Popular and Classic Biblical Girl Names

  1. Mary
  2. Sarah
  3. Rachel
  4. Leah
  5. Rebecca
  6. Hannah
  7. Abigail
  8. Esther
  9. Ruth
  10. Naomi
  11. Elizabeth
  12. Martha
  13. Miriam
  14. Deborah
  15. Judith
  16. Lydia
  17. Anna
  18. Eve
  19. Joanna
  20. Phoebe
  21. Priscilla
  22. Susanna
  23. Tabitha
  24. Delilah
  25. Zipporah
  26. Bathsheba
  27. Michal
  28. Tamar
  29. Jael
  30. Shiphrah
  31. Keturah
  32. Hagar
  33. Dinah
  34. Salome
  35. Sapphira
  36. Dorcas
  37. Chloe
  38. Julia
  39. Eunice
  40. Lois

Popular and Classic Biblical Boy Names

  1. Adam
  2. Noah
  3. Abraham
  4. Isaac
  5. Jacob
  6. Joseph
  7. Moses
  8. Joshua
  9. David
  10. Solomon
  11. Samuel
  12. Elijah
  13. Elisha
  14. Isaiah
  15. Jeremiah
  16. Daniel
  17. Ezekiel
  18. Nathan
  19. Jonah
  20. Micah
  21. Hosea
  22. Joel
  23. Amos
  24. Zechariah
  25. Malachi
  26. Matthew
  27. Mark
  28. Luke
  29. John
  30. Peter
  31. Paul
  32. James
  33. Andrew
  34. Philip
  35. Thomas
  36. Bartholomew
  37. Simon
  38. Timothy
  39. Titus
  40. Barnabas

Unique Baby Girl Names With Biblical Meanings

  1. Adah – “Adornment”
  2. Ariel – “Lion of God”
  3. Atara – “Crown”
  4. Bathsheba – “Daughter of the Oath”
  5. Chloe – “Blooming” or “Fertility”
  6. Damaris – “Gentle”
  7. Dinah – “Judged” or “Vindicated”
  8. Eliana – “God has answered”
  9. Galilee – “Province” or “Rolling”
  10. Havilah – “Stretch of sand”
  11. Hosanna – “Deliver us” or “Save us”
  12. Jemima – “Dove”
  13. Keziah – “Cassia” (a spice tree)
  14. Lael – “Belonging to God”
  15. Mahalath – “Stringed instrument”
  16. Mara – “Bitter”
  17. Micaiah – “Who is like God?”
  18. Milcah – “Queen”
  19. Naamah – “Pleasant” or “Lovely”
  20. Neriah – “Lamp of the Lord”
  21. Orpah – “Back of the neck”
  22. Peninnah – “Pearl” or “Coral”
  23. Salome – “Peace”
  24. Selah – “Pause and reflect” or “Praise”
  25. Shiloh – “Peace” or “Abundance”
  26. Tirzah – “Delight” or “Pleasantness”
  27. Zelah – “Rib” or “Side”
  28. Zibiah – “Gazelle” or “Doe”
  29. Zilpah – “Uncertain” (possibly “drooping”)
  30. Zipporah – “Bird”
  31. Acacia – “Honorable” (tree mentioned in the Bible)
  32. Keturah – “Incense”
  33. Noa – “Movement” or “Motion”
  34. Sapphira – “Sapphire” or “Beautiful”
  35. Tamar – “Palm tree”

Unique Baby Boy Names With Biblical Meanings

  1. Abel – “Breath” or “Vapor”
  2. Adriel – “Flock of God”
  3. Amos – “Carried” or “Bearer of a burden”
  4. Asa – “Physician” or “Healer”
  5. Boaz – “Swiftness” or “Strength”
  6. Caius – “Rejoice” (variant of Gaius)
  7. Dathan – “Fountain” or “Wellspring”
  8. Ephraim – “Fruitful”
  9. Gideon – “Hewer” or “One who cuts down”
  10. Hiram – “Exalted brother” or “My brother is exalted”
  11. Jairus – “He enlightens”
  12. Jotham – “The Lord is perfect”
  13. Lemuel – “Devoted to God”
  14. Mordecai – “Warrior” or “Follower of Marduk”
  15. Nahum – “Comforter”
  16. Othniel – “Lion of God”
  17. Phinehas – “Oracle” or “Serpent’s mouth”
  18. Reuben – “Behold, a son”
  19. Seth – “Appointed” or “Placed”
  20. Tobiah – “The Lord is good”
  21. Uriel – “God is my light”
  22. Zebulon – “Dwelling” or “Exalted”
  23. Zachariah – “The Lord has remembered”
  24. Abner – “Father of light”
  25. Baruch – “Blessed”
  26. Eliezer – “God is my help”
  27. Ira – “Watchful” or “Alert”
  28. Jubal – “Stream” or “Music”
  29. Kenan – “Possession” or “Smith”
  30. Laban – “White” or “Shining”
  31. Mephibosheth – “Dispeller of shame”
  32. Naphtali – “My struggle”
  33. Perez – “Breach” or “Burst forth”
  34. Raphael – “God has healed”
  35. Tiras – “Desire” or “Searching”

Unisex Biblical Names for Baby Girls and Boys

  1. Ariel
  2. Asa
  3. Elisha
  4. Eli
  5. Ezra
  6. Gabriel
  7. Haven
  8. Ira
  9. Jael
  10. Jordan
  11. Jude
  12. Justice
  13. Kiah
  14. Levi
  15. Micah
  16. Noah
  17. Raven
  18. Sage
  19. Salem
  20. Sam
  21. Shiloh
  22. Sion
  23. Tamar
  24. Tiras
  25. Uri
  26. Zion
  27. Avi
  28. Dani
  29. Elim
  30. Eden
  31. Jesse
  32. Jo
  33. Kenan
  34. Lior
  35. Marin
  36. Moriah
  37. Neri
  38. Oz
  39. Paz
  40. Rimon
  41. Samar
  42. Selah
  43. Shamir
  44. Tal
  45. Tovi
  46. Zev
  47. Adin
  48. Amal
  49. Neriah
  50. Shai

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