Are Bassinet Strollers Safe? & Are They Worth It? Expert Answer

Sara Khan

· 10 min read
Bassinet Strollers Bumpy Beds

A baby stroller is one of the most important things of baby furniture that a new parent will buy. Strollers not only make it easier to get out and about with your baby, but they also give a safe and comfortable area for your baby to relax while you're out and about.

A bassinet stroller is one type of baby stroller that many parents consider. These strollers include a detachable bassinet that can be used as an alternative to an infant car seat or for overnight sleeping.

But how safe are bassinet strollers?In this article, we'll explore the safety of bassinet strollers and the pros and cons of using one.

Are Bassinet Strollers Safe?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants sleep on their backs on a level, solid surface, without any soft bedding or extra features like plush animals or cushions.

A bassinet stroller that adheres to safety regulations and satisfies these rules can be a safe solution for your infant. It is crucial to understand, however, that not all bassinet strollers are created equal.

It's crucial to research and choose a stroller that has been tested and meets safety standards set by organizations such as the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA).

What Is a Bassinet Stroller and How Does It Work?

A bassinet stroller features a removable bassinet that can be used for overnight sleeping or as an alternative to an infant car seat.

Some bassinet strollers come with a bassinet attachment that can be attached to the stroller frame, while others feature a bassinet that can be used independently of the stroller frame.

The bassinet can be used for your baby's first few months and then replaced with a toddler seat as your baby grows.

Pros and Cons of Using a Bassinet Stroller

There are several pros and cons to using a bassinet stroller:

  • Bassinet strollers are typically lightweight and compact, making them easy to transport.
  • The flat, cozy bassinet provides a comfortable and safe space for newborns to rest and sleep.
  • Some bassinet strollers can convert into regular strollers as your child grows, providing long-term use.
  • Many bassinet strollers come with features like storage baskets, cup holders, and adjustable handles for added convenience.
  • The bassinet's suspension system often provides a smoother ride for the baby, especially on uneven terrain.
  • The bassinet's design allows for face-to-face interaction between the parent and baby, promoting bonding.
  • The comfortable bassinet can soothe babies to sleep while on the go, making outings more manageable.


  • Bassinet strollers are typically suitable only for newborns and younger infants, requiring a transition to a different stroller as the child grows.
  • Some bassinet strollers can be bulky, making them less maneuverable in crowded spaces or when traveling.
  • Bassinet strollers may be more expensive compared to traditional strollers, adding to the initial investment for parents.
  • While some bassinet strollers come with storage options, they often have less storage capacity compared to regular strollers.
  • There is usually a weight limit for bassinet use, meaning the stroller becomes unusable once the baby exceeds the specified weight.
  • Some bassinet strollers may require assembly, which can be time-consuming and complicated for some users.
  • Switching from the bassinet to a regular stroller can be challenging for babies accustomed to the cozy environment, leading to potential fussiness during the transition.

How Do I Know Whether a Bassinet Stroller Is Suitable for My Baby?

To ensure compatibility and safety, there are a number of elements to take into account while selecting the best bassinet stroller for your infant. Check that the stroller's weight and age requirements correspond to your baby's developmental stage.

If your baby is a newborn or younger infant, a bassinet stroller provides the necessary flat and cozy space for comfortable sleeping and resting.

To suit your unique needs and preferences, take into consideration the stroller's characteristics, such as its suspension system, storage possibilities, and adjustable handles.

Portability is another crucial aspect, especially if you plan to use the stroller for traveling or frequent outings. Ensure the stroller meets safety standards and has adequate safety features such as harness systems and sturdy construction.

Examine reviews and ask other parents for advice to learn more about the stroller's functionality and longevity. You can decide whether a bassinet stroller is right for your baby's needs by carefully weighing these elements.

Are Stroller Bassinets Worth it

Stroller bassinets can be worth it for parents seeking convenience and comfort for their newborns. They provide a cozy and safe sleeping environment for infants while on the go, promoting better rest and reducing disruptions to their routine.

A bassinet's level, cushioned surface makes sure that a newborn's delicate body is positioned correctly, promoting healthy growth. Face-to-face interaction between a parent and their baby is commonly provided by bassinet strollers, which promotes bonding during outings.

Whether a stroller bassinet is worth it depends on individual preferences, lifestyle, and budget. Some parents may find that a traditional stroller meets their needs adequately without the added expense or bulkiness of a bassinet attachment.

Weighing the benefits against the cost and considering factors like portability, longevity, and safety will help determine if a stroller bassinet is worth the investment for your family.

What Features Should I Look for When Buying a Bassinet Stroller?

When shopping for a bassinet stroller, there are several features you should look for to ensure your baby's safety and comfort.

Some of these features include:

  • Meets safety standards set by organizations such as the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA).
  • A flat and firm surface for the baby to sleep on
  • A five-point harness to keep your baby secure
  • A canopy to protect your baby from the sun and wind
  • A handlebar that can be adjusted to your height
  • A stroller that can be easily folded and stored
  • A stroller with a weight limit that can accommodate your baby's size and weight
  • A stroller that is compatible with an infant car seat

Safety Tips

In addition to choosing a bassinet stroller that meets safety standards, you should remember several safety tips when using a bassinet stroller.

These tips include:

  • Always use the five-point harness to keep your baby secure
  • Avoid using any additional bedding or soft items in the bassinet
  • Avoid placing the stroller on a raised surface, such as a table or counter
  • Avoid using the bassinet for overnight sleeping if your baby can roll over or sit up
  • Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for the use and care of the stroller.

Always prioritize safety over style or brand

It's also worth noting that not all bassinet strollers are created equal, and some models may have additional features tailored to specific needs. For example, some bassinet strollers may be designed for overnight sleeping, while others may be designed for travel.

Other models may have additional features, such as a reclining seat, a canopy, or a handlebar that can be adjusted to your height.

Uppababy Vista

One popular option is the Uppababy Vista, which offers an additional seat and can be converted into a double stroller. This is a great option for families who plan on having more than one child or for parents who want to have the option to bring along a toddler and a baby at the same time.

Umbrella stroller

Another option is an umbrella stroller or lightweight stroller with a bassinet attachment. These are great options for families looking for a stroller that is easy to transport or store.They are also great for parents who want a compact stroller that can be used for short trips or errands.

The Last Thoughts

Bassinet strollers can be a safe and convenient option for parents who want to keep their baby close by during the night or as an alternative to an infant car seat.

It is always important to consider your baby's age, development and size while choosing any baby gear. It is always recommended to research, read reviews and compare different models before making a decision.

In conclusion, a bassinet stroller can be a great option for parents who want a versatile and safe option for their baby. It can be used for overnight sleeping, as an alternative to an infant car seat, or as a way to keep your baby close by while you're on the go.

It's important to do your research, choose a stroller that meets safety standards, and follow safety guidelines when using the stroller.

With the right stroller and accessories, you can enjoy the convenience and comfort of having your little one close by while you're out and about.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can my baby use a bassinet stroller?

Typically, a baby can use a bassinet stroller for their first few months of life or until they can sit up or rollover. However, it's important to check the stroller's weight limit and consult the manufacturer's instructions for guidance.

Can I use a bassinet stroller for overnight sleeping?

Some bassinet strollers are designed specifically for overnight sleeping, have been tested, and meet safety standards. However, it's important to check the manufacturer's instructions and ensure the stroller is flat and firm for the baby to sleep on. Additionally, avoiding using the bassinet for overnight sleeping is recommended if your baby can roll over or sit up.

Can I use a bassinet stroller as an alternative to an infant car seat?

Some bassinet strollers can be an alternative to an infant car seat. Still, it's important to check the manufacturer's instructions and ensure the stroller is compatible with an infant car seat. Additionally, it's important to follow the guidelines for using a car seat for your baby's age and development.

What features should I look for when buying a bassinet stroller?

When buying a bassinet stroller, it's important to look for features such as: meet safety standards, a flat and firm surface for the baby to sleep on, a five-point harness, a canopy, a handlebar that can be adjusted to your height, and compatibility with an infant car seat.

Can I use a bassinet stroller for jogging or rough terrain?

Most bassinet strollers are not designed for jogging or rough terrain and may not have features such as suspension or large wheels. It's important to check the manufacturer's instructions and consider your needs and preferences before purchasing a stroller.

Are bassinet strollers compatible with double strollers or travel systems?

It depends on the stroller model; some models, like Uppababy Vista, can add the seat and be converted into a double stroller. Others may need to be compatible with double strollers or travel systems. It's important to check the manufacturer's instructions and ensure the stroller is compatible with any additional accessories you use.

About Sara Khan

Sara Khan, an experienced writer who specializes in baby and toddler bedding. With her in-depth knowledge and research, Sara brings valuable insights and practical advice to help parents and caregivers make informed decisions about their child's sleep and comfort.