How to Get Baby to Stop Chewing on the Crib – Ultimate Guide

How to Get Baby to Stop Chewing on the Crib

To maintain their safety and safeguard the crib, you should address your baby’s chewing behaviour on the cot. This will explore effective strategies and tips for preventing your baby from chewing on the crib, promoting a safe and comfortable sleep environment.

In this article, we will delve into why babies chew on cribs and explore effective solutions to prevent this behaviour. We will discuss strategies such as providing teething toys and other distractions to redirect their focus away from the crib.

Why Babies Chew on Cribs

During their teething period, babies often have been seen gnawing on cribs. Teething is a normal part of a baby’s development, but the process can be uncomfortable for both the baby and the parent.

Stimulating their gums and chewing on items, especially cribs, soothes them. Babies learn to explore their environment and hone their sensory abilities via this behaviour.

How to prevent baby from chewing on the crib

To prevent babies from chewing on cribs, there are several strategies caregivers can employ. Here are some effective approaches:

Provide Teething Toys and Other Distractions

Offer your baby safe and appropriate teething toys to chew on instead of the crib. Teething rings made of silicone or rubber, cold washcloths, or toys with different textures can all assist in calming their gums and divert their gnawing.

Apply Bitter Apple Spray to Crib Rails

Bitter apple spray is a safe and non-toxic deterrent that can be applied to crib rails. Babies won’t want to repeat the terrible experience of chewing on the crib. Thus, it has a harsh flavour. Ensure that the spray is child-safe and specifically designed for this purpose.

Create a Safe and Stimulating Environment

Ensure your baby’s environment is engaging and filled with other objects to explore. Provide age-appropriate toys, books, and sensory activities to keep their attention away from the crib. This can help divert their chewing instincts to more suitable items.

Maintain Close Supervision

Keep a watchful eye on your baby while they are in the crib. If your baby is trying to chew on the cot, gently move their focus to a teething toy or anything else safe. Providing consistent guidance and redirection can help them understand what is acceptable to chew on.

Address Teething Discomfort

If your baby is chewing on the crib due to discomfort, offer teething remedies such as teething gels, cold washcloths, or gentle gum massages. You can reduce their urge to chew on the crib by alleviating their teething pain.

​Provide Teething Toys and Other Distractions

Providing teething toys and other distractions can be an effective approach to prevent babies from chewing on cribs. Teething is a common cause of crib chewing, as babies seek relief for their sore gums. You can redirect their chewing behaviour to more suitable objects by offering appropriate teething toys.

Choose teething toys made of safe materials, such as silicone or rubber, specifically designed for this purpose. Many of these toys have different textures that might help massage your baby’s gums. Additionally, consider offering chilled teething rings or washcloths, as the cold temperature can provide further relief.

​Apply Bitter Apple Spray to Crib Rails

One effective method is to apply bitter apple spray to prevent babies from chewing on crib rails. Bitter apple spray is a non-toxic, bitter-tasting liquid that is safe to use around babies. Its strong and unpleasant taste discourages them from putting their mouths on the crib rails.

Before applying the bitter apple spray, thoroughly clean and dry the crib rails to ensure proper adhesion. Shake the bottle well and spray a light, even coat of the solution onto the rails. Be sure to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for application guidelines and safety precautions.

The spray’s bitter taste is a deterrent for babies, as they quickly associate the unpleasant taste with the crib rails. It’s important to note that the spray is harmless but can be quite bitter, so avoiding contact with your baby’s eyes, nose, or mouth is essential.

Gently Redirect Your Baby

When your baby starts chewing on the crib, gently redirecting their attention can discourage the behaviour.

Here are some strategies to help turn your baby’s focus:

Offer alternative chewing items

Provide your baby with age-appropriate teething toys or other safe objects that they can chew on. These toys can give them essential sensory stimulation while calming their teething gums.

Engage in interactive play

Spend quality time with your baby engaging in interactive play. This provides them with a positive distraction and strengthens the bond between you and your little one. Play games, sing songs, or read books together to shift their focus from chewing on the crib.

Create a stimulating environment

Ensure your baby’s surroundings are engaging and interesting. Rotate toys regularly to keep their interest and provide a variety of textures and shapes to explore. This can help divert their attention from the crib and provide alternative ways to satisfy their curiosity.

Offer comfort and reassurance

Sometimes, babies chew on crib rails due to anxiety or discomfort. Providing them extra comfort and reassurance can help alleviate their stress and reduce the need to chew. Offer cuddles, gentle rocking, or soothing music to create a calm and secure environment for your baby.


In conclusion, it is common for babies to chew on cribs as they explore the world around them and soothe their teething discomfort. However, with proactive measures, such as providing teething toys, using bitter apple spray, and gently redirecting their attention, you can effectively discourage this behavior and create a safer sleeping environment for your little one.

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